



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

1. (verb) (-ngia) to be wrong, mistaken, incorrect.

Kīhai i hamumu te waha o ngā tuākana, nō te mea kua tā rātou (NM 1928:171). / The elder brothers didn't say anything because what they had done was wrong.
I tōna hokinga mai i taua whenua, ina te whenua o tētahi o ōna hoa whawhai; whakaahua kētia ana e Rīhari ōna kākahu kia hēngia mai ai he ware noa iho (MM.TKM 30/6/1859:5). / When he returned from that land, because he was in the land of one of his enemies, Richard dressed so that he would be mistaken as just a commoner.

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2. (verb) to be contaminated.

Mehemea he paru te paraihe, ka te māhunga mā (TTT 1/4/1923). / If the brush is dirty the clean hair will be contaminated.

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3. (verb) to be going downhill, in difficulty, in trouble, going awry.

Kua roa kē māua e whakatakoto mahere ana, e whiriwhiri ana mō āhea rā māua toro atu ai i a koe i te rongonga o māua i te haere koe i ngā ākinga a ahungarua, a mātāpūpututanga (HM 4/2009:4). / He and I were planning and deciding for a long time when we would visit you because we had heard that you were going downhill in your approaching old age and advancing years.

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4. (modifier) incorrectly, wrongly, in bad condition, in the wrong way - to indicate something done or handled incorrectly.

E kore ēnei kōrero o ngā iwi o Tainui e tirohia hētia mehemea me mahue te wāhi nui o ēnei raruraru (NIT 1995:325). / These narratives of the Tainui tribes will not be looked at in the wrong way if we leave out most of these troubles.
I whanowhanoā au i te tuhi o tōku ingoa ki te tieki. / I was annoyed that my name was written incorrectly on the cheque.

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5. (noun) error, fault, mistake, difficulty, harm, fallacy, blunder.

Anā te ko te haere ki ngā reihi hōiho petipeti ai, haurangi ai (TP 9/1903:4). / But the fault is in going to horse races to gamble and get drunk.

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Synonyms: pōkaku, pōhauhau, hapa, horihori, hori, pōhēhē, hēnga, hēanga


1. I could be wrong, unless - an idiom indicating that the speaker thinks he/she could be wrong about something that he/she has stated. It sometimes indicates that the speaker expects to be confirmed or corrected by the listener.

Māna, kua haere pea rāua ki te purei piriota. / I could be wrong, but they may have gone to play billiards.
Rangi: Ko Hare kē pea te pāpā o Kahurangi - māna? Pare: Kāo - ko Pita kē (HKK 1999:156) / Rangi: Hare is probably Kahurangi's father - am I right? Pare: No - it's Peter.
Mā rāua pea tāua e āwhina māna tē taea! / Perhaps they will help us, unless they're unable to.

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kāore, āe

1. but no, wrong, not so - an idiom used by the speaker to suggest that he/she was wrong in the first instance, or was mistaken.

Ka kī mai te Kāwanatanga nō te iwi Māori tonu te whenua e tū mai rā te hōhipera. Kāore, āe. Kua hokona kētia e te pōkokohua rā. / The Government said that the land where the hospital is located belongs to the Māori people. But no. It had already been bought by that bugger.

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Synonyms: engari anō [tēnā]


1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to plunder, acquire wrongfully.

Ka rere a Ruawharo rāua ko Tūpai ki roto o te kupenga ki te hone i ngā ika pūwharu mā rāua (JPS 1907:221). / Ruawharo and Tūpai rushed into the net and stole the choicest fish for themselves.

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Synonyms: romi, marure, mūrei, muru, pāhua, pāhuahua, kōhunu, hunuhunu, pārure, whakarekereke

ki a [koe] (rā) hoki

1. what's with you, what's wrong with you, what's the matter with you - an idiom used to express the opinion that an idea or something someone has done is a little strange or surprising. May be used to show disapproval.

Moana: Kua kore au e āwhina i a ia. Mere: Ki a koe hoki! Ko ia tō hoa. / Moana: I won't help her. Mere: What's the matter with you! She's your friend.
Uru: Kāore māua e pai ki te toa rā - he Īnia hoki ngā rangatira. Pare: Ki a kōrua hoki! He aha te mate o te Īnia? (HJ 2012:31). / Uru: We don't like that shop - the owners are Indians. Pare: What's the matter with you two! What's the problem with Indians?

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tēnā rūkahu tēnā

1. that's a load of rubbish, you're so wrong, you're so mistaken, that's totally incorrect - an idiom suggesting that in the opinion of the speaker the statement is incorrect. Rūkahu can be replaced by other similar words, e.g. whakaaro, pōhēhē.

Pare: I kī mai a Māminga nāna i whakaheke te utu o tana waka, he pai nōna ki a au. Mēnā e hokona ana ki tētahi atu, kua kotahi mano tāra atu anō. Rangi: Tēnā rūkahu tēnā. Kaua e arohia atu ngā whakapatipati a tēnā kutu (HKK 1999:65). / Pare: Māminga (Deceitful) said that he reduced the price of his vehicle because he liked me. If he was selling it to someone else it would have been one thousand dollars more. Rangi: That's a load of rubbish. Don't take any notice of that vermin's smooth talk.

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See also tēnā pōhēhē tēnā

tēnā pōhēhē tēnā

1. you're so mistaken, that's totally incorrect, that's a load of rubbish, you're so wrong, yeah right - an idiom suggesting that in the opinion of the speaker the statement is incorrect. Pōhēhē can be replaced by other similar words, e.g. whakaaro, rūkahu, wawata, kimikimi.

Pare: E kī ana te Pākehā kāore i āta whakaritea te hekenga nui o ngā waka ki Aotearoa. Rangi: Tēnā pōhēhē tēnā! (HKK 1999:65) / Pare: The Pākehā say that the great migration of the canoes to Aotearoa/New Zealand was not deliberately organised. Rangi: That's totally incorrect!

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Synonyms: he aha hoki


1. (verb) to lead astray, lead into bad ways, lead into wrong, lead off the straight and narrow.

Me tūpato ā tātou mokopuna kei whakakonukatia rātou e ngā whakawai o tēnei ao. / Our grandchildren must be careful or they'll be led astray by the temptations of this world.

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Synonyms: whakahē, whakakotiti, whātītipa

2. (noun) temptation, seduction, enticement, lure, corruption, leading astray.

He wāhi nō tana māuiui ā-tinana te take i hua ai te whakaaro o ētehi o taua wā, koinei he tangata kahakore, he tangata whakamā, he tangata e ngāwari ana te whakakonuka (TTR 1996:225). / Partly because of his physical disabilities, some at that time considered him a weak, shy person who was easily led astray.

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Synonyms: pātoi, poa, whakawai, maimoa, whakapoapoa, kohinu, poapoa, tīmori


1. (verb) to dream.

I tā Ihowā whakahokinga mai i ngā pononga o Hīona i rite mātou ki te hunga e moehewa ana (PT Waiata 126:1). / When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

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2. (verb) to be under a wrong impression, think mistakenly.

Kei moehewa te tangata i kuhua noatia ngā kōrero a Hone Mohi Tāwhai (KO 15/12/1883:14). / One should not be mistaken into thinking that Hone Mohi Tāwhai's account has been inserted randomly.

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3. (noun) dream.

Ko te maruāpō, ko te tōmina nui, ko te moehewa o Tīmoti kia rite anō tēnei whenua ki tō ngā Hāmoa ā-reo nei, arā, kia rangona te reo ahakoa huri ki hea, ahakoa haere ki hea (HM 4/1998:3). / The aspiration, the great desire, the dream of Tīmoti is that this country be like that of Samoa, language-wise, that is that the language be heard no matter where you turn or where you go.

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1. (verb) to be wrong, incorrect, false.

Ko te kōrero a ētahi, he papepape (W 1971:261). / The talk of some was false.

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1. (verb) to go wrong, come to nothing.

Nō muri mai ka hoatu he tūru mōna i te Kaunihera Ture, engari i takahē noa (TTR 1994:199). / Later he was given a seat in the Legislative Council, but it came to nothing.

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(ko) tēnā/tērā [whakaaro] tēnā/tērā

1. you're so mistaken, that's totally incorrect, that's a load of rubbish, you're so wrong, that's not right, that's an opinion I disagree with - an idiom suggesting that in the opinion of the speaker the statement is incorrect. Pōhēhē can be replaced by other similar words, e.g. whakaaro, rūkahu, wawata, kimikimi.

Kua rongo au i ētahi e mea ana, kāore he kupu kangakanga ake a te Māori. Ko tērā whakaaro tērā. Heoi anō, ko au e kī ana mēnā karekau he kupu pērā i ngā rā o mua, he aha i noho mai ai te kupu ‘kangakanga’, me te kupu ‘kohukohu’ ki te reo Māori? (HKK 1999:65). / I have heard some say that Māori has no swear words. Well that's them. However, I am saying that if there were no such words in former times, why do we have the words 'kangakanga' and 'kohukohu' in the Māori language?
Pare: E kī ana te Pākehā kāore i āta whakaritea te hekenga nui o ngā waka ki Aotearoa. Rangi: Tēnā pōhēhē tēnā! (HKK 1999:65). / Pare: The Pākehā say that the great migration of the canoes to Aotearoa/New Zealand was not deliberately organised. Rangi: That's totally incorrect!

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hei a [koe] (rā) hoki

1. what's with you,what's wrong with you,what's the matter with you, you've got a nerve - an idiom used to express the opinion that an idea or something someone has done is a little strange or surprising. May be used to show disapproval.

Hei a koe hoki e kangakanga nā i ō tamariki (HKK 1999:81). / What's wrong with you swearing at your children.
Hei a koe hoki! Hei tō noho mai anō nei kāore he rangatira i tua atu i a koe! / Get you sitting there like there's nobody more important than you!

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wēnei tonu

1. think mistakenly, had the wrong end of the stick - an idiomatic use.

Rangi: I mīere te tīma o Hāmi i tēnei rangi. Pare: Wēnei tonu rātou e kore rātou e hinga (HKK 1999:197). / Rangi: Sam's team was thrashed today. Rangi: And they thought they couldn't be beaten.

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1. (verb) to be wrong, not fulfilling requirements, gone astray, at a loss, incompetent.

E kitea ana he nui te hēhē o ā rātou mahi. Engari hoki kāhore rātou e mōhio kei te hēhē ā rātou mahi (RK 1994:106). / It could be seen that their work was highly incompetent. But they were not aware that their work was incompetent.

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2. (modifier) wrong, not fulfilling requirements, gone astray, at a loss, incompetent, unsuitable.

Ka karanga te iwi, nā te moenga i te tāne hēhē i tipuheke ai taua wahine (W 1971:43). / The tribe called that by marrying the unsuitable husband that woman degenerated.

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3. (noun) disappointing result, unfulfilled requirement, incompetence, foul up, anomaly, glitch, false start.

Ka tohungia he kōmihana uitanga, engari, tino kino te hēhē (TTR 1994:191). / A commission of enquiry was appointed, but it was a great disappointment (DNZB 1993:545).

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1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to turn inside out, turn wrong way round, turn right way round (clothes, etc.).

Ka huriruatia tana poraka kia kore ai e kitea te poapoa i te uma (PK 2008:159). / His jersey was turned inside out so that the stain on the chest could not be seen.

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1. (verb) to make a mistake (in repeating a song, karakia, etc.), slip up.

Mō taku take tuatahi, i pape taku reo. Nō te taenga mai nei o te pepa ka kite iho ahau i te hē (TTT 1/10/1929:1086). / Concerning my first issue, my statement was incorrect. When the newspaper arrived I discovered the mistake.

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2. (verb) to be wrong, incorrect.

Ko ētahi i tika, ko ētahi i pape (W 1971:261). / Some were correct, some were incorrect.

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3. (noun) falsehood, error.


1. (interjection) yes indeed - an idiomatic use to show the speaker's admiration and appreciation of something.

Kāore ia e tino tau ki te waiata, engari ki te raku kitā, e, kei reira! (HKK 1999:25). / She's not that good at singing, but for strumming a guitar, yes indeed, she's got it!

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2. (interjection) no, not on your life, no way - sometimes used to tell someone they are mistaken, or that the speaker got it wrong.

Pare: E āhua whakamā ana au kei mīere pai i a au tēnā koroua. Rangi: E, ko koe te mea e mīere! (HKK 1999:64). / Pare: I'm a little bit embarrassed that I might thrash that elderly man. Rangi: No way, you'll be the one who will be thrashed!

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Synonyms: tōu ene, nōhea, nōwhea, weta, i neki, auare ake, he aha hoki, e hawa (e hawa), , karekau, kāo, kāore kau, kārekau, kāhore, āna, ehē, horekau, kāore, kāre

3. (interjection) oh! - used as an exclamation to call attention or to express surprise or admiration.

E! Kua hoki mai koe. / Oh! You've returned.

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